In RISE, you are responsible for the economic and social development of a city. In addition, you must also nurture the well-being of the citizens. Can you balance industrial progress... (continuer à lire)
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In RISE, you are responsible for the economic and social development of a city. In addition, you must also nurture the well-being of the citizens. Can you balance industrial progress and environmental pollution to keep your citizens happy and content? You will need money to further develop the city…but how much will you raise taxes and rent to do so?
A multitude of different options await you in RISE to make these life-changing choices. Experience the great challenges with over 1,000 unique combinations that the variable game setup can provide! Navigate your way through new actions and events each game to make RISE the city of everyone’s dreams.
Option d'achat
Acheter Rise
chez Noble Knight Games
34,95 USD
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