Track Movement

Track Movement in Board Games

Track movement is a mechanic in board games where players advance pieces along a predetermined path. This path can be linear, branching, or circular, and is often used to represent progression in the game.


The purpose of track movement is to provide a visual and strategic representation of a player's advancement towards a goal. It simplifies movement decisions and often integrates with other mechanics such as resource management or competitive racing.

Common Usage

  • Racing Games: Players move pieces along a track to reach the finish line first.
  • Economic Games: Tracks might represent production levels or market prices that fluctuate.
  • Resource Management: Tracks can monitor resources like money, supplies, or points.


  1. Ticket to Ride: Players claim railway routes on a map to connect cities and complete destination tickets.
  2. Power Grid: The game uses an economic track to manage resources and a separate track for player order.
  3. Terra Mystica: Each player has individual tracks for various resources that determine available actions.

Benefits and Challenges

  • Clarity: Offers a clear visual representation of goals and progress.
  • Strategy: Can allow for strategic depth through positioning and timing.

Track movement mechanics provide structure and competitive elements to a variety of board game genres and are an essential tool in game design.

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