Does the blood of the Ancient Kings flow in your veins? Do you have the power to wrest the Artifacts from the Astral Planes and become our King? There is... (continuer à lire)
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Does the blood of the Ancient Kings flow in your veins? Do you have the power to wrest the Artifacts from the Astral Planes and become our King? There is only one way to find out...
PROPHECY is a game for 2 to 5 players. Each player chooses a character such as the stoic ranger, the wise druid, the noble paladin or any other of the ten different characters and enters a world of brigands, thieves, demons, and undead. But there are also friendly denizens whom you can encounter, skills you can learn, ways to improve yourself physically and mentally, items you can buy or find, and wondrous treasures you can discover.
When you are strong enough, you must enter the Astral Planes and fight the guardians for the most powerful objects in the game — the Ancient Artifacts. But you are not the only player with such ambitions. Only one can become King and fulfill the Prophecy.
The world of PROPHECY is dynamic: creatures lurk in the wilderness, merchants buy and sell rare items, and guilds train brave adventurers.
1 Board
5 Plastic bases
10 Character cards
10 Standup figures
40 Willpower/Magic cubes
40 Strength/Health cubes
22 Chance cards
63 Adventure cards
50 Guild cards
5 Lesser Guardian cards
5 Greater Guardian cards
5 Artifact cards
26 Rare Item cards
35 Common Item cards
36 Gold tokens
36 Experience tokens
5 Reference cards
2 Dice
Option d'achat
Acheter Prophecy (2002)
chez Noble Knight Games
39,95 USD
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