In the Hall of the Mountain King: Cursed Mountain Expansion

You have returned to your ancestral home but the foul forces that destroyed it still linger. Vile curses drift through the rubble, and a menacing rumble hints at worse to... (continuer à lire)

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mitigé, 67 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
90 minutes
Publié en
Burnt Island Games
1 à 5 joueurs
Jay Cormier et Graeme Jahns
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Strategy Game, Fantasy, Cooperative Game, Solo / Solitaire Game, Modular Board, Grid Movement et Tile Placement
In the Hall of the Mountain King: Cursed Mountain Expansion preview image


You have returned to your ancestral home but the foul forces that destroyed it still linger. Vile curses drift through the rubble, and a menacing rumble hints at worse to come. Working together or alone, you must fulfill an ancient prophecy to calm the mountain before it all crashes down around you!

Cursed Mountain includes cooperative and solo modules.

Mechanisms:• Network and Route Building• Pick-up and Deliver• Tile Placement


  • 20 Curse Cards
  • 1 Prophecy Cards
  • 15 Dedication Tokens
  • 8 Quake Tokens
  • 1 Campaign Leader

Option d'achats

Acheter In the Hall of the Mountain King: Cursed Mountain Expansion
chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

10,00 $US
5,50 USD

Acheter In the Hall of the Mountain King: Cursed Mountain Expansion
chez Miniature Market logoMiniature Market

10,00 USD
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Catégories du jeu




  • Jay Cormier
  • Graeme Jahns