Moonrakers (The Titan Box w/Base Game, Kickstarter Edition)
About Moonrakers
Moonrakers is a competitive deck-building game set in a space-faring universe. Players form a loose band of mercenaries that build temporary alliances to accomplish Contracts, all vying to... (continuer à lire)
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Moonrakers is a competitive deck-building game set in a space-faring universe. Players form a loose band of mercenaries that build temporary alliances to accomplish Contracts, all vying to become leader of the Moonrakers.
It began with the Cleanse. The Utopian Alliance exiled their undesirable populations to distant, barely hospitable moons. There, in darkness and desolation, the Moonrakers were born.
In secret, the exiled created their own society free from the tyrannical rule of the UA. They built ships, developed weapons, and trained crew that would be feared throughout the galaxy.
But ingenuity and daring can only go so far. The fractured clans of the moonrakers, spread across the galaxy were no match for the might of the UA.
They must unite under one banner in order to resist.
Doing so is much easier said than done. Internal politicking, vast distances and fierce rivalry barricade the path to unity. It will take a leader of great prestige to unite them.
Build your ship, assemble your crew, and unite the Moonrakers against their aggressors.
In an effort to become the most prestigious Moonraker – and de facto leader – players complete Contracts and Secret Objectives to earn Prestige. Players can purchase Ship Parts and hire Crew to change how their deck is played and make earning Prestige easier. The first player to reach 10 Prestige Points becomes the leader of the Moonrakers and wins the game!
Component List:
210 Action Cards
50 Crew Cards
90 Contracts
84 Ship Parts
35 Event Cards
47 Objectives
4 Hazard Dice
5 Reference Cards
25 1 Credit Coins
15 3 Credit Coins
25 IOsphere Tokens
20 Faction Tokens
10 Prototype Parts
10 Ship Tokens
1 Sorelia Sector Card
1 Origins Comic
5 Command Terminals
5 Rep Terminals
4 Rulebooks
1 Armory Board
1 Dispatch Board
1 Navigation Board
1 Prestige Board
1 Insert
Component List details the base game, Binding Ties, Overload and Nomad.
Moonrakers: Titan Edition includes:
Kickstarter Exclusive Gold Foil Titan Box
Binding Ties Expansion Content
Overload Expansion Content
Nomad Expansion Content
Moonrakers Platinum Edition (no box)
Game Trayz Custom Insert
Moonrakers Holo Upgrade Pack
Option d'achat
Acheter Moonrakers (The Titan Box w/Base Game, Kickstarter Edition)
chez Noble Knight Games
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