Voidfall (Kickstarter Galactic Box)

The once flourishing empire of Domineum is no more. Many of the Great Houses have lost their humanity, distorted until they became mindless puppets of one entity more ancient than... (continuer à lire)
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Temps de jeu
90 minutes
Publié en
Mindclash Games
1 à 4 joueurs
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Science Fiction et Mindclash Games
Voidfall (Kickstarter Galactic Box) preview image


The once flourishing empire of Domineum is no more. Many of the Great Houses have lost their humanity, distorted until they became mindless puppets of one entity more ancient than the universe. We saw the signs. We heard the whispers. We trusted the Novarchs. And it all led to the apocalypse of our civilization: the Voidfall. Now, it is time for the remaining Great Houses to purge the galactic Corruption, prevent the Voidborn from fully manifestation in our dimension, and to ultimately overcome the chaos as the new rulers of Domineum.

Voidfall combines the tension, grand strategy, and deep empire customization of the 4X genre with the resource management, tight decisions, and minimum-luck gameplay of an economic Euro-style game. As the leader of a defiant Great House, you play through three Cycles, each with a game-altering Galactic Event and a set number of Focus cards that can be played. Focus card decisions and sequencing is the centerpiece of the gameplay. By selecting two of their three impactful actions as you play them, you develop and improve Technologices; advance on your House-specific Civilization tracks; manage your sectors' infrastructure, population, and production; customize your own scoring conditions; manage and purge the cosmic Corruption; and conquer new sectors with up to five different types of space Fleets, Space battles are fought either against the Voidborn's corrupted forces or against other players. Instead of relying on the luck of a die roll, battles in Voidfall are fully deterministic and reward grand strategy, careful preparation and outsmarting your opponents.

This Edition includes upgraded components and unlocked stretch goals from the campaign

Option d'achat

Acheter Voidfall (Kickstarter Galactic Box)
chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

475,00 USD
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Catégories du jeu

Maison d'édition

Jeux à thématique Science Fiction

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