In this science-themed game, you and your opponents play teams of Paleontologists. Discovering dinosaur and marine reptile specimens and publishing your findings in academic journals to farther the field. The... (continuer à lire)
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In this science-themed game, you and your opponents play teams of Paleontologists. Discovering dinosaur and marine reptile specimens and publishing your findings in academic journals to farther the field. The player who makes the most scientific advancements wins. A fast-paced game for 2-5 players using three specialized worker pieces and featuring in 60 unique North American dinosaur and marine reptile specimens. With variable personal and global objectives. Each game is different and ensures victory to the player who is at the right place at the right time.
Option d'achat
Acheter Holotype - Mesozoic North America
chez Noble Knight Games
119,95 USD
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