An incredible new dinosaur graveyard has been discovered, and if the early findings are any indication, it could be a treasure trove of fossils and bones like the world has... (continuer à lire)
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An incredible new dinosaur graveyard has been discovered, and if the early findings are any indication, it could be a treasure trove of fossils and bones like the world has never seen! In Fossilis, 2 to 4 players become paleontologists working the dig site with shovels, whisk brooms, and chisels looking for a find that could make their career.
The Kickstarter edition of Fossils includes component upgrades and exclusive mini-expansions to further enhance your gameplay.
Option d'achat
Acheter Fossilis (Kickstarter Edition)
chez Noble Knight Games
45,00 $US
44,00 USD
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