Fire in the Library: 2nd Edition

The library is on fire, and it's spreading fast! Dare to save as many invaluable books as you can, but be careful: push too hard and the fire will spread,... (continuer à lire)

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Temps de jeu
30 minutes
Publié en
Weird Giraffe Games
1 à 6 joueurs
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Weird Giraffe Games
Fire in the Library: 2nd Edition preview image


The library is on fire, and it's spreading fast! Dare to save as many invaluable books as you can, but be careful: push too hard and the fire will spread, causing you to lose the books you nearly saved and get closer to the inevitable loss of the library. But as the fire grows more fierce, the values of the books grow. And don't forget about the slew of tools at your disposal!

Fire in the Library is a press-your-luck game in which players must attempt to rescue books and accumulate knowledge. The game is played in rounds with a variable turn order. Advantages and disadvantages come with each choice in turn order, with earlier players having more risk but a higher possible reward.

This 2nd Edition features an update to the graphic design, iconography, scoreboard, and rulebook, to make it a bit more thematic and clearer than before!


  • 22 Book Tokens
  • 17 Fire Tokens
  • 1 Library Bag
  • 1 Scoring Track
  • 6 Library Figures
  • 22 Library Cards
  • 30 Tool Cards
  • 6 Turn Order Cards
  • 6 Reference Cards

Mechanisms:• Hand Management• Push Your Luck

Option d'achat

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