It’s the kind of game that makes your brain work really hard. But because you’re having so much fun, you won’t even notice. Perfect for parties and family game nights,... (continuer à lire)
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It’s the kind of game that makes your brain work really hard. But because you’re having so much fun, you won’t even notice. Perfect for parties and family game nights, Dutch Blitz has been a favorite of card players for decades—and it’s more popular today than ever.
So, what makes the Blue deck different? It’s simply a reinvention of the Classic Green boxed game that you know and love, with the colors of the 4 decks’ designs (carriage, bucket, pump and plow) switched to enable more players. Yes, it’s that simple and that awesome.
160x Cards
1x Rule sheet
Option d'achat
Acheter Dutch Blitz - Expansion
chez Noble Knight Games
13,49 $US
10,00 USD
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