Qwixx Mixx (Dutch Edition)

Qwixx Mixx offers 2 variants for even more gaming fun 2 extra score blocks with 80 leaves each (160 in total) for the popular dice game and card game QWIXX... (continuer à lire)
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mitigé, 69 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
15 minutes
Publié en
White Goblin Games
2 to 5 joueurs
Steffen Benndorf
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
White Goblin Games, Dice Rolling, Dice Game, Roll and Write, Card Game, Paper-and-Pencil et Family Game
Qwixx Mixx (Dutch Edition) preview imageConsultez l'option d'achat ici


Qwixx Mixx offers 2 variants for even more gaming fun 2 extra score blocks with 80 leaves each (160 in total) for the popular dice game and card game QWIXX

The rules don't change, but the game experience does. There are 2 new variants in this pack:

  • Variant A has a score block with numbers in ascending and descending order, but each row consists of 4 different colors. The last color in the row determines the color of the die to be removed.
  • Variant B has a score block with numbers that are not in ascending and descending order, but mixed together (the same color per row). So pay extra attention! Normally you know which figure will be coming, but now you have to look at it carefully. It is not logical, but it makes it extra challenging!
Pay attention! You can use these score blocks in combination with Qwixx The Dice Game and Qwixx The Card Game. The rules do not change for both. However, in the Card game, the following extra rule applies to variant A: if the active player plays several cards (they must have the same color), he may place crosses in different rows.

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