Coloma (Deluxe Kickstarter Edition)

Coloma is the town where an unexpected event happened that shaped history of the Western Frontier.

In the winter of 1848 a man building a sawmill on the South Fork... (continuer à lire)
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principalement positif, 75 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
60 minutes
Publié en
Final Frontier Games
1 à 5 joueurs
David Turczi, Dávid Turczi, Jonny Pac et The Mico
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Strategy Game, Worker Placement, Solo / Solitaire Game, Hand Management, Variable Player Powers, Jonny Pac et End Game Bonuses
Coloma (Deluxe Kickstarter Edition) preview image


Coloma is the town where an unexpected event happened that shaped history of the Western Frontier.

In the winter of 1848 a man building a sawmill on the South Fork of the American River spotted some bright nuggets in the tailrace waters below. Sure enough it was gold! Though he tried to keep his discovery a secret, word spread quickly and it triggered the California Gold Rush of '49.

Kickstarter edition features upgraded components and all unlocked stretch goals.

Option d'achat

Acheter Coloma (Deluxe Kickstarter Edition)
chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

179,95 $US
140,00 USD
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Maison d'édition



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