Western Legends: Showdown

In Western Legends: Showdown, which takes part in the same universe as the Western Legends board game, two players compete to seize control over a typical far west town.... (continuer à lire)

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mitigé, 65 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
20 minutes
Publié en
Kolossal Games
2 joueurs
Erwann Ricord
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Strategy Game, Card Game, Hand Management, Card Play Conflict Resolution, Kolossal Games, Roland MacDonald et Matagot


In Western Legends: Showdown, which takes part in the same universe as the Western Legends board game, two players compete to seize control over a typical far west town.

At the beginning of the game, select three locations from seven available; and on your turn, you'll be able to pass or put one of your cards on a location. Each location defines how players can gain the cards that are found here. Played cards have special powers, so analyze the your opponent's cards and lay traps to gain the upper hand by unleashing devastating combos. At the end of a game, the player that has the highest total value on the card they have won is declared the winner of the duel.

This is town ain't big enough for the two of us, cowboy.

Mechanisms:• Card Play Conflict Resolution• Hand Management

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9,99 $US
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Maison d'éditions


  • Erwann Ricord