Birth of America - 1754 Conquest, The French and Indian War
The year is 1754 and France and Britain have thriving colonies in North America. New England has begun to expand west, from their settlements along the eastern seaboard, into the... (continuer à lire)
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The year is 1754 and France and Britain have thriving colonies in North America. New England has begun to expand west, from their settlements along the eastern seaboard, into the Ohio River Valley. In response, France has built a chain of forts to protect their American territorial claims, extending from Lake Erie to the Gulf of Mexico!
Virginia’s Governor sends a young George Washington with a small force to ‘convince’ the French to leave the region. A deadly confrontation with the French and their Native American allies deep in the Appalachian wilderness sparks the beginning of a world war that engulfs the Americas, Europe, India and Africa.
'1754 Conquest' is an area control game that continues the award winning Birth of America Series. Players for each side work together in order to coordinate their strategies. To win, each side attempts to control Victory Spaces on the map that represent towns and forts. The militia players receive reinforcements from muster points while the French and English Regulars must ship their reinforcements from overseas. The game ends when the Treaty of Paris is signed and the side controlling the most cities wins the game.
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Acheter Birth of America - 1754 Conquest, The French and Indian War
chez Noble Knight Games
150,00 USD
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