In Abductor Pack 3, a member of your own police force has taken hostages. He claims he’s being framed for the recent murder of the Chief and you're the... (continuer à lire)
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In Abductor Pack 3, a member of your own police force has taken hostages. He claims he’s being framed for the recent murder of the Chief and you're the only one who believes him. Some of the hostages are starting to sympathize with him, making your job more difficult. Everything is riding on your shoulders.
In this exciting new abductor pack you will have to deal with hostages who get Stockholm Syndrome, which means they identify with the hostage taker. Saving those that want to be saved is hard enough! Will you be up to this new challenge?
Option d'achat
Acheter Hostage Negotiator: Abductor Pack #3
chez Noble Knight Games
8,99 USD
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