Final Girl: Series 2 Feature Film - Panic at Station 2891

Can You Trust Anyone at Station 2891?

Killer: The OrganismLocation: Station 2891

There's nowhere to run when an unseen enemy comes to the arctic station where you and a... (continuer à lire)

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très positif, 90 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
20 minutes
Publié en
Van Ryder Games
1 joueur
A.J. Porfirio et A. J. Porfirio
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Van Ryder Games, Solo / Solitaire Game, Horror, A. J. Porfirio, Gen-X Games, Don't Panic Games et Movies / TV / Radio theme
Final Girl: Series 2 Feature Film - Panic at Station 2891 preview image


Can You Trust Anyone at Station 2891?

Killer: The OrganismLocation: Station 2891

There's nowhere to run when an unseen enemy comes to the arctic station where you and a small project group have come to do research. The only way out is by helicopter, but the problem is, you don't know who you can trust. Who has been assimilated by the organism? Someone? Everyone?

You won't know who you can trust when playing against The Organism. How can you fight what you can't see? You'll have to test the victims in the lab or with test kits you find to determine if they've been assimilated. Of course, your real job is to kill mutated victims to stop the spread once identified! Featuring three different types of organisms, you'll never know what you are going to face.

The arctic Station 2891 features new unique challenges. Anyone who stays outside too long risks succumbing to frostbite, but the only escape is via the helicopter traveling to and from the station from the Arctic airport. Will you try to save your comrades against all odds, or look out for numero uno and use them to buy yourself time?

The Core Box, when combined with one of our Feature Film Boxes, has everything you need to play the game. Each Feature Film Box features a unique Killer and iconic Location, and the more Feature Films you have, the more killer/location combinations you can experience!

Each Feature Film Box is double-sided, with amazingly illustrated covers on the front AND back. Not only that, but the magnetically attached box covers are removable, with the reverse of each functioning as the Killer and Location boards respectively.

This Feature Film box has cover art of Kate on one side and Uki on the other.

Mechanisms:• Dice Rolling• Hand Management• Pick-up and Deliver• Variable Player Powers


  • 1 Detachable Killer Board
  • 1 Detachable Location Board
  • 2 Final Girl Cards
  • 24 Terror Cards
  • 3 Finale Cards
  • 1 Action Card
  • 1 Helicopter Card
  • 3 Mutated Organism Cards
  • 22 Item Cards
  • 3 Test Result Cards
  • 10 Event Cards
  • 5 Setup Cards
  • 2 Rules Sheets
  • 20 Tokens
  • 2 Killer Meeples

Option d'achats

Acheter Final Girl: Series 2 Feature Film - Panic at Station 2891
chez Miniature Market logoMiniature Market

19,99 $US
15,99 USD

Acheter Final Girl: Series 2 Feature Film - Panic at Station 2891
chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

19,99 $US
18,00 USD
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Catégories du jeu

Jeux à thématique Horror

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