
Ownership in Board Games

Ownership mechanics in board games allow players to claim and control resources, areas, or items within the game, often leading to strategic depth and player interaction. This article discusses the ownership mechanic and its influence on gameplay.

Function of Ownership

Ownership mechanics are involved when players acquire control over game elements, which can provide various benefits:

  • Resource Gain: Players receive ongoing benefits, such as resources or currency.
  • Strategic Advantage: Controlled areas may offer tactical positioning.
  • Victory Points: Ownership sometimes directly contributes to winning the game.

Forms of Ownership

Several forms of ownership can be found across different board games:

  • Resource Allocation: Games like Catan utilize resource control.
  • Land/Area Control: Territory acquisition in Risk is a classic example.
  • Asset Acquisition: Monopoly features property ownership and development.

Impact on Gameplay

Ownership can influence player interactions through alliances, conflicts, and negotiations. It also adds layers of strategic planning as players decide where and what to own to maximize their benefits.


Ownership can vary significantly between games:

  • Temporary vs. Permanent: Some games allow ownership to change hands frequently.
  • Exclusive vs. Shared: Ownership can be exclusive to one player or shared among several.


Ownership is a foundational mechanic that adds strategic complexity and player engagement to board games.

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