1862 - Railway Mania in the Eastern Counties (2nd Edition)

1862: Railway Mania in the Eastern Counties is set in this cauldron of railway construction. Players will vie to start railway companies, invest money in railway shares, and attempt to... (continuer à lire)
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principalement positif, 78 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
120 minutes
Publié en
GMT Games
1 à 8 joueurs
Mike Hutton
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Trains, Economic, Network and Route Building, War Game, Stock Holding, GMT Games et Auction/Bidding
1862 - Railway Mania in the Eastern Counties (2nd Edition) preview image


1862: Railway Mania in the Eastern Counties is set in this cauldron of railway construction. Players will vie to start railway companies, invest money in railway shares, and attempt to run the railways they control for personal gain, trying to keep them afloat in changeable economic times. Each game played will be unique. Out of 20 available railway companies, only 16 will be randomly selected for each game – and only eight will be available at start. Each company also starts with a randomly chosen Permit to run one of three different types of train. Players then begin the game by investing in some of the available companies. Each company will generate revenue for the majority shareholder by laying track on the board, placing station markers, running any trains it owns, paying dividends or retaining revenue from those trains, and then buying more and more advanced trains. As the game progresses, players can start more companies and can merge companies they control with other companies. When larger and more powerful trains are bought, older trains become obsolete and disappear, causing financial crisis for the unprepared. The game ends after the last band of trains is bought, and the wealthiest player, including shares, but not money in companies, is the winner.


  • Game board showing East Anglia
  • Rule booklet
  • Solitaire rules
  • 34 Train cards
  • 8 Phase cards and 2 Train Manifest cards
  • 160 Company Certificates
  • 8 sheets of Track Tiles
  • 2 (identical) Player Aids
  • £15,000 in Paper Money
  • 4 sheets of tokens
  • Option d'achat

    Acheter 1862 - Railway Mania in the Eastern Counties (2nd Edition)
    chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

    63,95 USD
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    Catégories du jeu



    Maison d'éditions


    • Mike Hutton
