Richard the Lionheart

The Crusades have summoned Richard the Lionheart to the Middle East. While back home in England, John Lackland is trying to consolidate his power, recruiting the Sheriff of Nottingham to... (read more)
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mixed, 68% of all reviews are favorable
90 minutes
CoolMiniOrNot (CMON)
2 to 6 players
Andrea Chiarvesio
Game's Categories
CoolMiniOrNot (CMON), CMON Global Limited, Variable Player Powers, Miniatures, Strategy Game, Edge Entertainment, and Hand Management


The Crusades have summoned Richard the Lionheart to the Middle East. While back home in England, John Lackland is trying to consolidate his power, recruiting the Sheriff of Nottingham to his side. Opposing them is Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men. What will be left of Richard's Kingdom when the Crusades are over? In Richard the Lionheart, players lead either Robin Hood or John Lackland. They travel across England, trying to earn Prestige points and influence the Crusades from afar. At the end of the game, Richard will return to what's left of his Kingdom. The player who has earned the most Prestige is declared the winner.

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Games developed by Marco Portugal

Games with Point to Point Movement

Games published by CMON Global Limited

Games illustrated by Fabio de Castro

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