Yes, it's Fluxx... with Zombies! The newest Fluxx features a new type of card: The Creeper. It's like a Keeper you don't want but must play anyway, and it usually... (read more)
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Yes, it's Fluxx... with Zombies! The newest Fluxx features a new type of card: The Creeper. It's like a Keeper you don't want but must play anyway, and it usually stops you from winning. The good news is, Zombie Fluxx also includes a bunch of Keepers you can use as weapons against the Zombie-Creepers, including the Shotgun, the Chainsaw, and the Can of Gasoline. Plus you've got Sandwiches and Coffee and a couple of Friends to help you win. The bad news is, if your Friends become Zombies, you'll have to destroy them. Welcome to the dark side of Fluxx!
Purchase option
Buy Zombie Fluxx 1.0
from Noble Knight Games
USD 5.00
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