Pandemic: On the Brink includes new event cards, new role cards, rules for five players, and optional game challenges to increase the difficulty of the Pandemic base game. These new... (read more)
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Pandemic: On the Brink includes new event cards, new role cards, rules for five players, and optional game challenges to increase the difficulty of the Pandemic base game. These new challenges, which can be used individually or combined for even more difficult play, are as follows:
The Virulent Strain challenge makes one disease become particularly deadly in unpredictable ways.
The Mutation challenge adds a fifth (purple) disease that behaves differently than the original four.
The Bio-Terrorist challenge pits one player against the others!
7 new Role cards, with matching pawns
8 new Event Cards
8 Virulent Strain Epidemic cards
12 purple Disease cubes
1 purple Disease wood marker
1 Cure Indicator sticker and card
2 Mutation cards
3 Mutation Event cards
1 Bio-Terrorist location pad
1 Epidemic card
1 reference card
4 blank cards for customizing
5 petri dishes and labels
Purchase option
Buy Pandemic - On the Brink Expansion (2nd Edition)
from Noble Knight Games
USD 35.99
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