Circle the Wagons

Each player in Circle the Wagons is fixin' to build up their own boomtown, but only one'll build the best in the West!

Blaze a trail by draftin' cards 'round... (read more)
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mostly positive, 72% of all reviews are favorable
15 minutes
Button Shy Games
2 players
Danny Devine, Paul Kluka, and Steven Aramini
Game's Categories
Card Game, Strategy Game, Solo / Solitaire Game, Button Shy Games, Button Shy, Print & Play Game, and Tile Placement


Each player in Circle the Wagons is fixin' to build up their own boomtown, but only one'll build the best in the West!

Blaze a trail by draftin' cards 'round the circle and placin' 'em in yer town, tryin' to connect matchin' territories to score prosperity points! But don't forget about them three bonus cards in the center of the circle that can score ya even more points — that is, if ya play yer cards right. With darn near five thousand unique ways to score and millions of draftin' and placin' combos, you'll never build the same town twice!

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