Leaves whispering, chickens clucking, tractors rumbling, the sounds of a bustling farm are everywhere. The countryside is blossoming and you are in charge of it all. The last team of... (continuer à lire)
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Leaves whispering, chickens clucking, tractors rumbling, the sounds of a bustling farm are everywhere. The countryside is blossoming and you are in charge of it all. The last team of planners couldn’t cut it, so the farmers turned to your team, the best of the best. If anyone can turn this little farm into a flourishing ranching community, it’s you!
Agropolis is a standalone Sprawlopolis game. What does that mean? Well it's more of what we built with Sprawlopolis, but instead of more cities, it's farms. It adds a few new twists (livestock and feed fees), and can be played on its own or combined with Sprawlopolis in a fun new way.
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