Play all your cards without tipping over the iceberg to win in this dexterity game.
Players take turns stacking cards of varying colors and symbols as well as cardboard cut-out... (continuer à lire)
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Play all your cards without tipping over the iceberg to win in this dexterity game.
Players take turns stacking cards of varying colors and symbols as well as cardboard cut-out standee dictated by their opponent's card. A card must match either the color or symbol of the previous placed card, so players can try to outwit their opponents by demanding they place either large ice blocks, small penguins or heavy ice crystals.
The player who successfully empties their hand is the winner. If a player knocks over the stack, then the player with the fewest cards is the winner.
Option d'achat
Acheter Yura Yura Penguin
chez Noble Knight Games
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