Roaring two-seater planes fly over the trenches on recon missions, bombing runs, trench strafing, and daring rescues... Can you escort your planes to their targets and safely back home? Or... (continuer à lire)
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Roaring two-seater planes fly over the trenches on recon missions, bombing runs, trench strafing, and daring rescues... Can you escort your planes to their targets and safely back home? Or can you prevent your opponent's planes from striking at the heart of your forces?
Watch Your Back! can be played by itself or mixed with Famous Aces to play larger scenarios. It includes five types of planes: the Nieuport 11, Hanriot HD.1 and Halberstadt D.III fighters, and the British/American DH4 and the Austrian Ufag C.I two-seaters.
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chez Noble Knight Games
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