Vinyl - Big Band (Vinyl Edition)

Big Band is a Vinyl stand-alone game that continues to build on the base game of Vinyl and introduces the Window Display, Leader Board, and a new way to form... (continuer à lire)
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Temps de jeu
60 minutes
Publié en
Talon Strikes Studios
2 to 5 joueurs
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Strategy Game et Talon Strikes Studios
Vinyl - Big Band (Vinyl Edition) preview image


Big Band is a Vinyl stand-alone game that continues to build on the base game of Vinyl and introduces the Window Display, Leader Board, and a new way to form collections based on the instruments in a collection.

Historically, 78s and 33s competed for formats to purchase in the record store. In Big Band, players will focus on collecting albums from two genres — Swing and Jazz. Players will acquire albums at two different speeds from up to 8 different band leaders. Concerning speeds, there are benefits in collecting 78s since they are worth slightly more than the 33s. However, the 33s offer collection powers to entice players to collect them instead.

The rules for collecting albums are stripped down to just matching the genres. However, players must visit the front counter t earn collection rewards. To turn in a collection, the player must represent each of the four instruments in one genre. Depending on how many matches there are in the attributes will dictate what type of collection reward they will earn. Play continues until all the albums have been placed into the store. In the end, the player with the most points is the winner.

Option d'achat

Acheter Vinyl - Big Band (Vinyl Edition)
chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

37,95 $US
32,00 USD
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Catégories du jeu


Maison d'édition

Strategy Game

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