Undaunted - Reinforcements Expansion

Requires a copy of Undaunted: Normandy or Undaunted: North Africa to play.

In North Africa, the Long Range Desert Group are a thorn in the sides of the Italian forces,... (continuer à lire)
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très positif, 87 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
45 minutes
Publié en
2 to 4 joueurs
David Digby, David Thompson, David Thompson (I), Dávid Turczi, Roland MacDonald et Trevor Benjamin
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Strategy Game, War Game, Solo / Solitaire Game, Dice Rolling, Osprey, Osprey Games et Card Game
Undaunted - Reinforcements Expansion preview image


Requires a copy of Undaunted: Normandy or Undaunted: North Africa to play.

In North Africa, the Long Range Desert Group are a thorn in the sides of the Italian forces, disrupting vital lines of communication and striking at strategic targets ranging far and wide. In Normandy, US forces brace against a German counterattack, determined to maintain their foothold in the region. The fighting is intense, and the outcome hangs on a knife-edge. With everything at stake, you desperately need reinforcements!

Undaunted: Reinforcements is a modular expansion that introduces a range of new rules, scenarios, and units. Unleash the might of the German and American tanks and see how your new squad options fare against them in Undaunted: Normandy, or make use of mines, assault aircraft, and other new units as you attempt to outfox your opponent in Undaunted: North Africa. Whether you have only one or the other, you'll be able to play Undaunted for the first time in a four-player mode or test your mettle in a solo mode by David Turczi and David Digby.

Option d'achat

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45,00 USD
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Strategy Game

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