Ticket To Ride: Map Collection #3 - The Heart of Africa
Venture into the Heart of Africa to build routes through some of the continent's most remote and desolate locales. Will you bolster your terrain surveying skills and local knowledge to... (continuer à lire)
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Venture into the Heart of Africa to build routes through some of the continent's most remote and desolate locales. Will you bolster your terrain surveying skills and local knowledge to try and establish more valuable routes – or dare to dash across the continent in a mad race to cut the game short?
Map of The Heart of Africa
Destination Tickets
new Terrain cards
NOT A STAND-ALONE GAME! Requires an original copy of Ticket to Ride or Ticket to Ride Europe to play.
Option d'achat
Acheter Ticket To Ride: Map Collection #3 - The Heart of Africa
chez Noble Knight Games
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