Grimmborn, King of the Dwarves of Zavandor, is about to retire. He needs to arrange for his successor. You are one of those candidates, following the Path to Kingship, which... (continuer à lire)
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Grimmborn, King of the Dwarves of Zavandor, is about to retire. He needs to arrange for his successor. You are one of those candidates, following the Path to Kingship, which winds through the depths of the mountains to reach the Coronation Chamber. On the way, you will be receiving gems with which to bid on to acquire improvements and the upgrading of those improvements. The player with the most victory points upon reaching the chamber is the winner and new King of the Dwarves!
1 game board showing the Path to Kingship
2 auction boards for the expansion auctions
112 gem cards
56 improvement cards
4 game overview cards
4 player boards
30 wooden Victory point markers
70 wooden Upgrade marker cubes
1 starting player piece
1 king piece
Option d'achat
Acheter Mines of Zavandor, The
chez Noble Knight Games
14,95 $US
9,00 USD
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