
What is Stationfall? Well, imagine a dozen or so random humans, robots, and none-of-the-aboves, each with their own abilities, goals, and secret relationships, have been turned loose on a... (continuer à lire)

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principalement positif, 72 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
90 minutes
Publié en
Ion Game Design
1 à 9 joueurs
Matt Eklund, Jon Manker, Benjamin Schmauss et Robin Spathon Ek
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Science Fiction, Variable Player Powers, Ion Game Design, Deduction, Hidden Roles, Action Points et Pick-up and Deliver


What is Stationfall? Well, imagine a dozen or so random humans, robots, and none-of-the-aboves, each with their own abilities, goals, and secret relationships, have been turned loose on a space station that is going to be incinerated upon its inevitable reentry into Earth's atmosphere. You are one of these characters, and the others are collaborators you have on hand ready to assist you in achieving your goals. But choose them wisely, as any one of them could secretly be another player waiting to betray you!

Stationfall is a box full of creative solutions, but that box is going to morph, twist, and grow teeth over the course of play. Your best turns will exploit the unique tactical freedom of being a secret conspiracy, as well as deductions about your opponents' identities and motives. Stationfall is messy, intricate, and full of dangerous variables.

1 Board1 Launch Manual1 Character Dossier5 Reference Manuals35 Character & Project X Cards55 Identify & Script Cards29 Character & Project X Pawns129 Player Components38 Character State Markers96 State Markers40 Data Tokens25 Special Item Tokens30 Weapon Item Tokens26 Kompromat Tokens18 Map Modification Pieces1 Die


  • 1 Board
  • 1 Launch Manual
  • 1 Character Dossier
  • 5 Reference Manuals
  • 35 Character & Project X Cards
  • 55 Identify & Script Cards
  • 29 Character & Project X Pawns
  • 129 Player Components
  • 38 Character State Markers
  • 96 State Markers
  • 40 Data Tokens
  • 25 Special Item Tokens
  • 30 Weapon Item Tokens
  • 26 Kompromat Tokens
  • 18 Map Modification Pieces
  • 1 Die


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chez Miniature Market logoMiniature Market

99,00 $US
74,99 USD

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chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

79,95 USD
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