Annihilator, the world devouring banana slug, is on course for it’s next course: Planet Earth! Appease Annihilator, unveil the prophecy, and discover the chosen one!
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Annihilator, the world devouring banana slug, is on course for it’s next course: Planet Earth! Appease Annihilator, unveil the prophecy, and discover the chosen one!
Cultists are gathering outside your zoo awaiting Annihilator's very slow arrival. Will your offerings on the Altar appease the world devourer? Will the prophecy reign true and reveal the chosen one?
SATANIMALS: Annihilation includes a physical altar for players to place offerings. Will you be the one to summon Annihilator and roll the demonic die?
While you're at it, you can now attract Cultists to your petting zoo! Will you sacrifice your Cultists or take the risk and hope your Cultist is the chosen one?
Option d'achat
Acheter Satanimals - Annihilation
chez Noble Knight Games
13,49 USD
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