After relentless days spent diluting solvents and heating liquid mixtures in vials, the air is damp, while the old and overused books stored in the library of your laboratory smell... (continuer à lire)
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After relentless days spent diluting solvents and heating liquid mixtures in vials, the air is damp, while the old and overused books stored in the library of your laboratory smell of humidity and dust. The end of the day is approaching, and you have just found the perfect transmutation. You decide to stay as long as the candles will still provide light.
Rebis is a 1–4 player game. To win, you have to play your alchemistic ingredients wisely in order to brew the best elixirs and find the right time to brew them to get the most points.
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Acheter Rebis
chez Noble Knight Games
9,95 $US
6,00 USD
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