Hidden in the bushes, a team of scientists are looking for one raptor's family but their survival instinct prevail. They need to be really careful and well-prepared because one mother... (continuer à lire)
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Hidden in the bushes, a team of scientists are looking for one raptor's family but their survival instinct prevail. They need to be really careful and well-prepared because one mother will make every sacrifice to protect her young.
In Raptor, you can play the dinosaur group or the scientists team. Whichever side that you choose you will need plans your tactics and strategy to reach one of your objectives and win the game.
1 Game Board
15 Tokens
9 Cardboard Rocks
18 Cards
16 Figurines
2 Player Sheets
Option d'achat
Acheter Raptor (2016 Edition)
chez Noble Knight Games
14,00 USD
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