Solo Hero Series: Proving Grounds

Maia Strongheart stands alone against the world. A cabal of conspirators has framed her for the death of her own mother, the Sun Queen, and they intend to usurp the... (continuer à lire)

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Temps de jeu
30 to 45 minutes
Publié en
Renegade Game Studios
0 to 1 joueurs
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Renegade Game Studios
Solo Hero Series: Proving Grounds preview image


Maia Strongheart stands alone against the world. A cabal of conspirators has framed her for the death of her own mother, the Sun Queen, and they intend to usurp the throne from her family. To prove her own innocence and reclaim her birthright, Maia must step into the proving grounds to complete a trial that will stretch her combat skills to the limit. Will the Wizened's chosen daughter vanquish her foes in the arena? Or will she be overwhelmed by the conspirators and their evil aspirations?

Proving Grounds is a real-time solitaire dice game that merges narrative and gameplay in a brand-new way. In this box, you will find a novella, "Only the Strongest Has the Heart of a Wizened Queen", written by Monica Valentinelli. This sweeping story sets the stage for the events of the game. Read the story of Maia Strongheart as she fights to ascend to the Sun Throne, then recreate her extraordinary battle!

Proving Grounds has a training game and six different gameplay modules. Once you've learned the basics, add a single module or mix and match to your tastes. If you're feeling truly adventurous, put them all together for a true test of your gladiatorial combat skills!


  • 1 Encounter Board
  • 30 Enemy Cards
  • 1 Health Marker
  • 6 Battle Markers
  • 14 Attack Dice
  • 1 Dragonling Die
  • 1 Dragonling Token
  • 19 Chariot Cards
  • 15 Inspiration Cards
  • 6 Shield Tokens
  • 6 Conspirator Cards
  • 1 Sun & Moon Dial
  • 1 Reference Card

Mechanisms:• Dice Rolling

Option d'achat

Acheter Solo Hero Series: Proving Grounds
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30,00 $US
22,99 USD
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