Princess Bride Adventure Book Game, The

Climb the Cliffs of Insanity, brave the Fire Swamp, and help Buttercup, Westly, Fezzik, and Inigo Montoya survive the dastardly machinations of Prince Humperdinck, Count Rugen, and Vizzini. Follow the... (continuer à lire)
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mitigé, 63 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
15 minutes
Publié en
1 à 4 joueurs
Ryan Miller
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Cooperative Game, Solo / Solitaire Game, Miniatures, Scenario / Mission / Campaign Game, Hand Management, Action Points et Movies / TV / Radio theme
Princess Bride Adventure Book Game, The preview image


Climb the Cliffs of Insanity, brave the Fire Swamp, and help Buttercup, Westly, Fezzik, and Inigo Montoya survive the dastardly machinations of Prince Humperdinck, Count Rugen, and Vizzini. Follow the incredible story through six chapters and work together to keep the plot on course despite Shrieking Eels, kissing, and constant interruptions! Will the forces of evil or true love prevail?


  • 7 Character Miniatures
  • Adventure Book Board
  • 4 Reference Cards
  • 40 Story Cards
  • 30 Special Cards
  • 20 Plot Cards
  • 40 Counters
  • Rulebook
  • Option d'achat

    Acheter Princess Bride Adventure Book Game, The
    chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

    22,00 $US
    14,00 USD
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    Jeux avec Scenario / Mission / Campaign Game