Poetry For Neanderthals: NSFW Edition

Poetry for Neanderthals: NSFW Edition is an adult party game similar to Taboo in which players earn points by getting their teammates to guess words and phrases. The catch is... (continuer à lire)

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mitigé, 66 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
30 minutes
Publié en
Exploding Kittens
2 to 8 joueurs
Elan Lee
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Party Game, Word Game, Communication Limits, Team-Based Game, Humor, Guess the Word et Give a clue, Get a clue
Poetry For Neanderthals: NSFW Edition preview image


Poetry for Neanderthals: NSFW Edition is an adult party game similar to Taboo in which players earn points by getting their teammates to guess words and phrases. The catch is that they are allowed to use only single-syllable words. Enjoy getting grandma to guess phrases like "nudist beach", "mile high club", or "banana hammock", but be careful. If you use any words with more than one syllable, the other team gets to spank you with the two-foot inflatable Spank Stick.


  • 200 Cards
  • 2 Game Boards
  • 1 Inflatable NO! Stick
  • 1 Sand Timer (90 Seconds)
  • 1 Instructional Manual

Mechanisms:• Communication Limits• Real-Time• Team-Based Game

Option d'achat

Acheter Poetry For Neanderthals: NSFW Edition
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20,99 USD
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