Skull & Shackles - Adventure Deck 2 - Raiders of the Fever Sea
Out from under the thumb of the dastardly crew of the Wormwood and in command of a ship of your own, your fortune awaits inside the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game:... (continuer à lire)
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Out from under the thumb of the dastardly crew of the Wormwood and in command of a ship of your own, your fortune awaits inside the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Raiders of the Fever Sea Adventure Deck. This 110-card expansion adds new locations, monsters, ships, villains, and more to the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game; it also includes rare loot cards and 5 new scenarios that make up the complete Raiders of the Fever Sea adventure. Continue your character’s legend with the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Raiders of the Fever Sea Adventure Deck.
Option d'achat
Acheter Skull & Shackles - Adventure Deck 2 - Raiders of the Fever Sea
chez Noble Knight Games
17,95 $US
13,50 USD
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