Mystic Vale (Essential Edition)

A card crafting game of nature’s power. In Mystic Vale, 2 to 4 players take on the role of druidic clans trying to cleanse the curse upon the land. Each... (continuer à lire)
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positif, 82 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
45 minutes
Publié en
AEG (Alderac Entertainment Group)
2 to 4 joueurs
John D. Clair
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
AEG (Alderac Entertainment Group), Alderac Entertainment Group, Strategy Game, Card Game, Fantasy, Deck, Bag, and Pool Building et John D. Clair
Mystic Vale (Essential Edition) preview image


A card crafting game of nature’s power. In Mystic Vale, 2 to 4 players take on the role of druidic clans trying to cleanse the curse upon the land. Each turn, you play cards into your field to gain powerful advancements and useful vale cards. Use your power wisely, or decay will end your turn prematurely. Score the most victory points to win the game!

First released in 2016, John D Clair’s Mystic Vale introduced the world to the Card Crafting System. Using clear plastic cards stacked inside a single card sleeve, this new game mechanic took the traditional “Game card” and turned it into a dynamic player-controlled piece.

Essential Edition – With card crafting at is center and stunning artwork featured on every card, Mystic Vale became an award winning modern classic that has been enjoyed by gamers for years. This Essential Edition includes the base game of Mystic Vale, along with the first three expansions: Vale of Magic, Vale of the Wild, and Mana Storm.

Base Game

A curse has been placed on the Valley of Life. Hearing the spirits of nature cry out for aid, clans of Druid have arrived, determined to use their blessings to heal the land and rescue the spirits. It will require courage and also caution, as the curse can overwhelm the careless who wield to much power.

The Game that started it all, the base game includes everything you need to play John D Clair’s modern classic Mystic Vale.

Vale of Magic

The forces of nature and Gaia’s blessings are not enough to stop the curse from spreading. The druidic clans are now harnessing the power of arcane magic to repel the blight and heal the land.

Advancement and vales give players more card crafting options and exciting new possibilities for powerful combos.

Vale of the Wild

Some druids are rising to the forefront as potent leaders. These servants of Gaia all strive for the day when the curse no longer saints their world.

In addition to advancements and vales, leaders grant abilities that can be upgraded to become even more powerful! Eclipse Advancements may be covered by another advancement and still add its ability to the card.

Mana Storm

Other druidic clans and creatures combating the curse have joined the ranks, eager for a day when all are free from the accursed blight.

In addition to advancements, vales, leaders and eclipses, Mana Storm adds powerful amulets, giving players access to artifacts of great power.

Option d'achat

Acheter Mystic Vale (Essential Edition)
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81,95 USD
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Jeux publiés par Alderac Entertainment Group

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