Leaf (Standard Edition)

In Leaf, players embody the spirit of the wind and guide leaves to the forest floor to prepare the woods for winter!

On your turn, choose a leaf tile... (continuer à lire)

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principalement positif, 76 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
30 minutes
Publié en
Weird City Games
1 à 4 joueurs
Tim Eisner et Time Eisner
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Tile Placement, Animals, Set Collection, Nature, Environmental, Family Game et Trees and Forests
Leaf (Standard Edition) preview image


In Leaf, players embody the spirit of the wind and guide leaves to the forest floor to prepare the woods for winter!

On your turn, choose a leaf tile to play and decide which leaves to connect to. Each leaf you touch will grant actions to help you create a thriving forest. Attract woodland animals, grow colorful mushrooms, lead helpful squirrels up the great tree, and gain leaf cards and sun tokens by strategically placing leaves.

The player who contributes the most to the health of the forest wins!


  • 32 Leaf Tiles
  • 60 Mushroom Tokens
  • 83 Sun & Acorns Tokens
  • 1 Tree Board
  • 4 Squirrel Meeples
  • 84 Animal & Leaf Cards
  • 1 Leaf Mat
  • 1 Animal Mat
  • 13 North Wind Solo Cards
  • 4 Player Aid Cards
  • 1 Rulebook
  • 1 Starting Hedgehog Token

Mechanisms:• Modular Board• Set Collection• Tile Placement• Solo / Solitaire Game

Option d'achats

Acheter Leaf (Standard Edition)
chez Miniature Market logoMiniature Market

40,00 $US
32,00 USD

Acheter Leaf (Standard Edition)
chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

34,95 USD
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Catégories du jeu