Forest Shuffle
Life is bustling in the local forest: Animals scurry around the clearings looking for edible plants and insects. Some prefer the dense treetops, others the lush undergrowth and only feel... (continuer à lire)
Life is bustling in the local forest: Animals scurry around the clearings looking for edible plants and insects. Some prefer the dense treetops, others the lush undergrowth and only feel... (continuer à lire)
Life is bustling in the local forest: Animals scurry around the clearings looking for edible plants and insects. Some prefer the dense treetops, others the lush undergrowth and only feel comfortable in the shelter of the trees.
• Plant trees in your forest and add different animals, plants, and mushrooms
• Some of them prefer certain habitats or food sources. . .
• . . . and others require the presence of their fellow species
• Chaining• End Game Bonuses• Hand Management• Layering• Multi-Use Cards• Open Drafting• Set Collection• Tags• Turn Order: Pass Order