Deep in the underground lair of the foul dragon Rovert is a vast treasure that had been sought by a group of the most daring adventurers. Valiantly they made their... (continuer à lire)
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Deep in the underground lair of the foul dragon Rovert is a vast treasure that had been sought by a group of the most daring adventurers. Valiantly they made their way down to depths of the Earth and readied themselves to defeat the dragon, hoping to earn glory and riches. But the mighty creature was waiting, breathing a blast of heat and fire upon them, leaving only their boots! No one will remember the tale of these unlucky heroes except the hapless group of awestruck hirelings now standing in Rovert's lair, frozen with fear. Feeling helpless as the dragon moves closer and curls his tail behind them, the survivors tremble. The snorting dragon crawls right up in front of them, but instead of breathing fire, it opens his mouth menacingly, as if to draw another breath -- or maybe to eat them!
At that moment, the bravest of the group yells, "RUN!" In an instant, the terrified hirelings scramble away, seeking the quickest way out of the dragon's lair. Unfortunately, that's not the way the heroes brought them in, but a new escape route fraught with danger! Their only hope of survival is to use their quick feet and the items strapped to their backs. Unfortunately, they are not too bright (and not very fast) and they have no clue how anything they're carrying might help them. Will they make it out? Only you can determine their fate.
Hirelings is a board game for 2 to 6 players who become the frantic escapees, trying to find and fight their way back above ground. As a hapless hireling, will you be able to make it out? Can you win the game by being the first one out of danger?
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Acheter Hirelings - The Ascent
chez Noble Knight Games
10,95 $US
9,00 USD
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