Hike! is a light and fast card-drafting racing game with huskies. Players take on the role of mushers (dog drivers) who assemble their husky sleds and race through the snowy... (continuer à lire)
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Hike! is a light and fast card-drafting racing game with huskies. Players take on the role of mushers (dog drivers) who assemble their husky sleds and race through the snowy wilderness.
The players carefully select the huskies for their abilities to move over treacherous terrain and place them in the sled according to their character. They gather the equipment and train their huskies. And then the race is on! The players rely on their huskies’ abilities and the preparations they've taken, a combination of luck and skill that would get them the first across the finish line.
Hike! is a command that mushers (dog drivers) use to start the team.
Option d'achat
Acheter Hike!
chez Noble Knight Games
44,00 USD
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