Here I Stand - Wars of the Reformation, 1517-1555 (500th Anniversary POD)
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Here I Stand was due for a reprint in 2017, but with October 31, 2017 being the... (continuer à lire)
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This is a print on demand copy and is not an original copy.
Here I Stand was due for a reprint in 2017, but with October 31, 2017 being the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther's posting of his 95 Theses, Ed Beach and his team of Here I Stand enthusiasts have put together a series of enhancements to the original game that transform this reprint into a deluxe 500th anniversary treatment.
Enhancements include:
6 brand new cards added to the deck, including Thomas More, Thomas Cromwell, Rough Wooing, and Imperial Coronation.
Revisions to over 15 existing cards including Copernicus, Master of Italy, and Machiavelli to allow for more exciting in-game play and additional possibilities for diplomatic deals.
A new Chateau construction table is now used to resolve France's Patron of the Arts home card plays.
Several Virgin Queen rule updates are incorporated back into Here I Stand, affecting minor power activation, piracy, space trading, and foreign wars.
Game Components:
COUNTERS Four and a half full-color counter sheets
CARDS 116 Strategy Cards
MAPS One 22"x34" Mounted Mapsheet
Player Aid Cards (11"x17" & 8.5"x11")
Rules/Scenario Book
One ten-sided die
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chez Noble Knight Games
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