Everyone has a green thumb when playing Herbaceous Sprouts. Unwind while enjoying this beautiful and thoughtful game of collecting seeds, using tools, and growing sprouts. Don’t... (continuer à lire)
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Everyone has a green thumb when playing Herbaceous Sprouts. Unwind while enjoying this beautiful and thoughtful game of collecting seeds, using tools, and growing sprouts. Don’t relax too long though - or your friend might become the Head Gardener first!
Players plant herb and flower sprouts in the community garden to score the most points. Each round, collect herb and flower seeds, acquire tools, and use them to plant sprouts in the garden.
Gorgeous Seed Dice and Tool Card combinations create compelling choices every round.
Dice Manipulation & Classic Herbaceous Set Collection makes an expanded game experience that is still easy to learn and play.
Smooth, streamlined rounds makes a Herbaceous Sprouts a fast-moving, fun, push-your-luck game.
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chez Noble Knight Games
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