Sergeants Miniatures Game: Hell on Wheels Expansion - M8 Greyhound

The M8 Greyhound identified hostile units and reported their strength, composition, disposition and movement. While on the march making and remaining in contact with the enemy demanded an emphasis on... (continuer à lire)
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Temps de jeu
60 minutes
Publié en
Lost Battalion Games
2 to 6 joueurs
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Miniatures et Lost Battalion Games
Sergeants Miniatures Game: Hell on Wheels Expansion - M8 Greyhound preview image


The M8 Greyhound identified hostile units and reported their strength, composition, disposition and movement. While on the march making and remaining in contact with the enemy demanded an emphasis on speed and agility.

The Sergeants Hell on Wheels Vehicle Modules are playable with either Sergeants D-Day or Sergeants Miniatures Game. The M8 Greyhound Vehicle Module requires Sergeants Hell on Wheels for play.

The M8 Greyhound Vehicle Module comes with:

  • Vehicle Tactics Panel - cut into 6 parts for easy storage
  • 48 cards for the 4 crew with their action cards and special training cards
  • 16 cards for Armored Reconnaissance Tactics
  • 32 cards for the vehicle itself and various tactics cards as options
  • Vehicle Flats - to use for play with Sergeants D-Day: In Action, Burning and Knocked Out
  • Sighting Markers for the vehicles crew sighting targets
  • Status Markers for "dismounted" crew and 2 hasty minefield markers
  • Option d'achat

    Acheter Sergeants Miniatures Game: Hell on Wheels Expansion - M8 Greyhound
    chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

    24,95 USD
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    Catégories du jeu

    Maison d'édition

    • Lost Battalion Games