Dominion: Cornucopia & Guilds Expansion

We are now offering two previously released Dominion expansions in one box: Guilds and Cornucopia. As with the original releases of these expansions, you cannot play a game with... (continuer à lire)

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positif, 84 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
30 minutes
Publié en
Rio Grande Games
2 to 4 joueurs
Donald X Vaccarino et Donald X. Vaccarino
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Rio Grande Games, Strategy Game, Card Game, Hand Management, Open Drafting, Deck, Bag, and Pool Building et Medieval
Dominion: Cornucopia & Guilds Expansion preview image


We are now offering two previously released Dominion expansions in one box: Guilds and Cornucopia. As with the original releases of these expansions, you cannot play a game with them alone and will need Dominion, Dominion: Intrigue, or Dominion: Base Cards Expansion to play with these expansions.


Jobs, everyone's worried about jobs. Whatever happened to tilling the fields in obscurity? The economy is just a trick, like stealing someone's nose, but lately people seem to have seen through it, like when you realize someone hasn't really stolen your nose. So now everyone's joining a guild, learning a craft, and working on a masterpiece - a painting so beautiful it blinds you, or a cheese grater so amazing that you never eat cheese again. The only people left tilling the fields are the ones doing it ironically. The guilds cover everything - ironic tilling, butchering, baking, candlestick making, shoemaking, cheesemaking, cheese destruction. Your advisor is convinced that somehow, control of the stonecutters is key to world domination. Very well. You will have stone handled so expertly that the world trembles before you.


Autumn. It seemed like the summer would never end, but that fortune teller was right. It's over. Autumn, the time of the harvest. Agriculture has advanced significantly in recent years, ever since the discovery of the maxim, "leaves of three, let it be." Autumn, a time of celebration. The peasants have spent a hard week scything hay in the fields, but tonight the festivities begin, starting with a sumptuous banquet of roast hay. Then, the annual nose-stealing competition. Then you have two jesters, one who always lies, one who always tells the truth, both hilariously. Then, they fight to the death! This celebration will truly have something for everyone.

Mechanisms:• Card Drafting• Deck, Bag, and Pool Building• Hand Management


  • 300 Cards
  • 1 Plastic Organizing Tray with Organizing Strip
  • 2 Rules Booklets:
  • Guilds and Cornucopia
  • 25 Coins

Option d'achats

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44,95 $US
31,99 USD

Acheter Dominion: Cornucopia & Guilds Expansion
chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

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Maison d'édition




Jeux avec Hand Management

Jeux illustrés par Doris Matthäus

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