Goetia: Nine kings of Solomon is played over an uncertain set of rounds. Each round consists of players taking turns; placing one of their followers on different spaces that rewards... (continuer à lire)
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Goetia: Nine kings of Solomon is played over an uncertain set of rounds. Each round consists of players taking turns; placing one of their followers on different spaces that rewards the players with resources.
These resources can be used to send followers to scry in order to contact demons. Having followers scrying will award the player with Worship Points (WP). When all WPs on the scry card has been depleted - a demon will be conjured and appear on the board. Players can, assuming they have enough resources, send their followers to worship that demon and gain Demonic Powers, Relics and Treasures.
Workers worshipping demons will reward the player with powers (cards) from the demon. These cards can be played in front of the player so that the rules of the game have been altered for that player.
Players may also recruit more followers by sending workers to the outskirts. The cost of these workers are determined by the state of the main area. The more followers there are in the central area, the less resources are needed to recruit a follower. However, only one follower from each outskirt can be recruited per round - will you wait for your competitors to bring down the cost of recruiting - or do you want to be certain to recruit a follower and pay a higher price?
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chez Noble Knight Games
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