Francis Drake - The Expansions


The 2 Player Game: Now 2 players can enjoy all the excitement and tension of Francis Drake. By using a 3rd "non-player," the decisions on Plymouth Street remain... (continuer à lire)
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Temps de jeu
90 minutes
Publié en
Eagle-Gryphon Games
2 to 6 joueurs
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Eagle-Gryphon Games et Strategy Game
Francis Drake - The Expansions preview image



The 2 Player Game: Now 2 players can enjoy all the excitement and tension of Francis Drake. By using a 3rd "non-player," the decisions on Plymouth Street remain as challenging as ever and with different parts of the map blocked off on each voyage, competition for Spanish galleons, forts, and treasure remain intense.

The 6 Player Game: A new set of 16 Location Tiles specific for 6 players is included to provide enough goods on Plymouth Street, but with 6 eager privateers rushing for the best items, competition is fierce. The Caribbean phase of the game is very tight now with the 6 "would-be Drakes" racing for Spanish conquests, gold, and silver.

Spain's Revenge: Stronger Spanish Troop and Frigate counters make it more difficult to attack the Spanish forts and galleons.

Montezuma's Legacy: The VP for the Spanish galleons now span 3 to 9, making the biggest galleon well worth chasing and the gem in zone 4 is replace by a gold coated skull worth 6VP. (Optionally, this may be raised to 7 or 8 to increase competition for supplies to reach zone 4.)

These expansions must be played with the game Francis Drake.

Option d'achat

Acheter Francis Drake - The Expansions
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49,95 USD
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Catégories du jeu


Maison d'édition

Strategy Game

Jeux publiés par Eagle-Gryphon Games

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