Railways of the World: Railways of Great Britain Expansion
Railways of Great Britain is an exciting new expansion for the Railways of the World board gaming system, featuring a board of Great Britain! You will need the pieces from... (continuer à lire)
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Railways of Great Britain is an exciting new expansion for the Railways of the World board gaming system, featuring a board of Great Britain! You will need the pieces from Railways of the World (track, city tiles, bonds, money, empty city markers, trains and first player marker) to play Railways of Great Britain.
It is mid-19th century Great Britain. The tramways that first appeared to transport coal have since been upgraded to railways. Numerous different companies (using different railway gauges) have connected to villages, towns and cities across the country. Invest wisely and guide your railroad to financial success as you take control of the Railways of Great Britain.
Option d'achat
Acheter Railways of the World: Railways of Great Britain Expansion
chez Noble Knight Games
30,00 USD
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