Don't Turn Your Back

Build your deck. Survive the city.

Walk the twisted streets of the Mad City in a boardgame that fuses worker placement with deck building to create a unique experience.

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mitigé, 65 % de toutes les appréciations sont positives
Temps de jeu
45 minutes
Publié en
Evil Hat Productions
2 to 4 joueurs
Eric Vogel et Eric B. Vogel
Style de jeu
Catégories du jeu
Card Game, Strategy Game, Worker Placement, Horror, Evil Hat Productions, Deck, Bag, and Pool Building et Area Majority / Influence
Don't Turn Your Back preview image


Build your deck. Survive the city.

Walk the twisted streets of the Mad City in a boardgame that fuses worker placement with deck building to create a unique experience.

Extract dreams in the City Slumbering and use them to buy favors from Nightmares. Procure special services in the Bizarre Bazaar. Score points through skillful play in Mother When’s deadly High School, and the sinister 13th District. Compete for the Wax King’s favor, and the ultimate prize…escape!

In this game, set in the sinister world of the Don’t Rest Your Head role playing game, your opponents lurk around every corner, waiting to attack. Can you outsmart your friends and win the Nightmares’ game? Whatever you do, Don’t Turn Your Back!

Option d'achat

Acheter Don't Turn Your Back
chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

15,00 USD
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